Agape by dictionary definition is Greek for Unconditional Love. Inspired by this concept, I write to you to empower you to reflect on what it means and put it to action. To me, to be unconditional is to release judgement, disposition, and trade it for empathy, and unity. To love is to breathe. A simple concept that can become complex, but you must continue to do so in order to live. Unconditional love in simple metaphorical terms is the will to breathe even when it becomes difficult.

Through this lifestyle brand launched in 2021 in New Jersey, we seek to promote unconditional love within the Black community through fashion, mentoring, and community events. Jessica Smith, CEO and Founder, believes that this concept of unconditional love is one of many internal cures for her community. If done with pure intent, the community will only continue to recognize how each individuals greatness is a puzzle piece to the brother or sister next to them. 

I hope this resonates with you as much as its impacted me. 

With power and gratitude ,